The company "STOSTES LIMITED" provides professional legal services worldwide in the field of international tax planning.
In the list below, only the most popular services of our firm's lawyers are indicated. The full list of legal services that you can use is much wider.
Call and make an appointment for legal advice in order to find out about the provision of certain legal services.
Legal advice is provided only by professional lawyers. They are available to everyone, and they do not oblige you to anything.
Our profile is a qualified solution of each client's task by specialists. Legal consulting is a natural trust in professionals!
Offshore and international law: Registration of companies abroad, legal support and administration, law of foreign countries, offshore financial companies, funds, trusts, bank accounts, tax disputes, legal expertise and preparation of legal opinions, application of international tax agreements, formation of dividend policy, royalty payments and intellectual property, structuring of e-commerce projects, Compliance & Due Diligence.
International taxation and audit of foreign companies: Tax law of foreign countries, development and examination of tax schemes, risk analysis and assessment of tax consequences, tax structuring of investment projects, transfer pricing, controlled foreign companies, holdings, analysis of contractual relations in the context of VAT, excise duties and customs duties, import-export operations, taxation of securities transactions, schemes for financing economic activities. Accounting support of business abroad, preparation and submission of financial statements, audit of foreign companies, consolidated financial statements, GAAP, ISFR registration and submission of VAT reports, consultations on methodology and practice of various accounting sections of foreign countries, participation in tax audits abroad.
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